Here Are the Top Five Happiest Cities in the US According to Study

According to a new city from Wallethub, these are the happiest cities in the US and Chicago is nowhere near the top five! Here are the ones that are at the top of the list:

  1. Plano, Texas
  2. Irvine, California
  3. Madison, Wisconsin
  4. Fremont, California
  5. Huntington Beach, California

Chicago did not even break the top 100. We are number 107 on the list. According to ABC, here was the criteria they used:

Researchers at WalletHub drew upon the various findings of positive-psychology research and compared more than 180 of America's biggest cities to determine which one is home to the happiest people in America. Each city was examined under 31 key indicators of ranging from depression rate to income-growth rate to average leisure time spent per day.

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